
Friday, August 11, 2023

Bulk Create Videos With Canva and ChatGPT for YouTube

Bulk Create Videos With Canva and ChatGPT for YouTube: In the YouTube realm, successful channels share a common trait: they create thought-provoking content through quizzes and questions that engage diverse audiences. Viewer comments reflect the popularity of these mental challenges, praising their engaging format. Beyond engagement, the videos' simplicity of production and scalability adds to their appeal. Employing just Canva, ChatGPT, and creators converts content into YouTube Shorts, amplifying reach. The accompanying article offers comprehensive guidance on crafting captivating content, including Shorts conversion for potential monetization. Moreover, it unveils tactics to generate a considerable library of videos and shorts spanning diverse subjects—up to 145 videos and 450 shorts—within a short period, all while retaining monetization eligibility.

Bulk Create Videos With Canva and ChatGPT for YouTube


With this appealing offer for budding creators, let's dive in and initiate by opening ChatGPT. Provide it with this prompt: "I'd like you to provide me with a table listing 25 distinct countries along with a hint showcasing their renowned attributes. Make sure each country is only mentioned once." This engaging exercise will steer us toward a compelling journey of exploration.


Now, let's focus on Canva. Go to the video section in Canva and pick the first choice with dimensions 1920x1080. As we start making the video, begin by adding a background. Find a question mark background or a color that suits your brand's look in the element section. Take a video clip from the video tab and put it in place of the current background. Since our video is about a quiz on countries, let's keep up with this interesting theme.

Frame Section

For the next step, let's focus on the frame section. Head over to the element tab and find the rectangle. We'll be using this to hold the country flags. Since most of the flags are horizontal, scroll down until you spot the horizontal frame and click to add it to the canvas. Now, go back to ChatGPT and copy the name of one of the countries. Then, switch to photos, paste the country name in the search bar, and look for the flag of that country. Drag the chosen flag onto the frame and position it on the right side while making it a bit smaller to fit.

Adding a Text

i. Add Text Header

  • Navigate to the text tab.
  • Click the dropdown to change the font to your preference.
  • Paste the question into the text box.
  • Adjust the font size and position it at the top.

ii. Add Shadow

  • Click on the effects button.
  • Choose "Shadow" from the style options.
  • Change the shadow color from white to black.
  • Set the transparency to 100.

Add the Numbers

Here’s the process

1. Add Circles with Numbers

  • Start by including a circle on your design by typing the letter "c" from your keyboard.
  • Move the circle upwards and shrink its size.
  • Alter the circle's color to black.
  • Introduce a border to the circle using the second icon.
  • Click on the border color and modify it to yellow.
  • If desired, boost the border weight to 7.

2. Add Numbers

  • Utilize the "t" key on your keyboard to introduce a text box.
  • Within the text box, enter a number, such as "1".
  • Drag the number onto the circle you created.
  • Adjust the color of the number to yellow.

3. Alignment

  • Ensure the number is centrally aligned by using the alignment icon.
  • This guarantees accurate placement of all numbers, even single digits.

Add the Hint

When producing these elements in bulk, follow these steps:

1. Add Hints

  • Duplicate the header by pressing Ctrl + D on your keyboard.
  • Drag the duplicate to the middle.
  • Add the text "Hint" to it.
  • Duplicate this text box once more.
  • Access ChatGPT to copy one of the hints and place it in the box.
  • Enhance visibility by scaling down the hint text and using a color like yellow for specific words (e.g., "kangaroo").

2. Add Answers

  • Duplicate the hint box and drag it downward.
  • Ensure proper alignment to the middle using the alignment button.
  • This step ensures consistent positioning when creating in bulk.
  • Copy and paste the answer into the box.
  • Instead of a shadow effect, opt for a background effect in the effects window.
  • Adjust the background color to black, and decrease roundness and spread.

Add a Timer

Let's proceed to incorporate a timer:

Add Timer

  • Begin by searching for a "10 Seconds Timer" in the elements tab.
  • Then, explore the video options to find a suitable timer video.
  • Drag the chosen timer onto the canvas.
  • Click "Edit Video" at the top.
  • Utilize the first option to remove the background.
  • Adjust the scale as needed.
  • Place the timer at the bottom-left of the scene.

The following step involves adjusting the timing of the elements:

Change Timing

  • Select both text boxes by holding Shift and clicking.
  • Right-click to bring up the menu, and choose "Show Timing."
  • Use the playhead to set specific timings.
  • For both texts, set them to appear at 0.5 seconds. Align the handle with the line.
  • Adjust the timer: Shift the playhead to about one second (where the countdown starts) and move the start handle accordingly.
  • Move the playhead to the timer's end (around 7.5 seconds) and align the end handle.
  • Sync the timer stop time with the appearance of the answer. Move the answer's first handle to meet the playhead.
  • Align the flag's start time with the hint (0.5 seconds).
  • These adjustments ensure smooth transitions and seamless animations between elements during the transition step.


1. Add Animations:

  • Click on "Animate" at the top.

2. For the Flag

  • Choose the "Pop" animation.
  • Apply it to both entering and exiting.

3. For the Hint and Kangaroo

  • Opt for the "Bounce" animation.
  • Apply it to both entering and exiting.

4. For the Timer

  • Select the "Pop" animation.
  • Apply it to both entering and exiting.

5. For the Answer

  • Pick the “Bounce " animation.
  • Apply it to both entering and exiting.

These animations will add a dynamic and engaging flair to your elements, enhancing the overall visual experience of your video.

Sound Effects

1. Add Sound Effects

  • In the element tab, search for "cork".
  • Switch to the audio tab to find the sound.
  • Position the playhead at 0.5 seconds (where the flag appears).
  • Select the second result.
  • Move the playhead to one second (when the timer starts).
  • Look for a timer sound and choose "egg timer".

2. Adjust Audio Length

  • Shorten the sound by moving the playhead to 7.5 seconds (timer stops) and adjusting the end handle.

3. Add Logo Ascend Sound

  • Search for "logo Ascend" in the audio section.
  • Choose "logo ascend 8".

4. Enhance Animation

  • To improve the answer animation, adjust the burst animation's intensity.

Bulk Audio Creation Method

  • Start by selecting and deleting all elements on the page.
  • Click the share button at the upper right corner to download the page as an MP4.
  • Quickly use Ctrl + Z to undo the deletion.
  • Upload the downloaded MP4 file to your library.
  • Remove the three audio elements individually.
  • Replace the background video by dragging the uploaded MP4 clip.
By following these steps, your audio will persist when creating pages in bulk. This clever workaround ensures your audio remains synchronized consistently across all your pages.

Collect Country Flags

  • Begin by copying the first country name from the table in Chat GPT.
  • Paste this name into Canva's search box.
  • Navigate to the "Photos" section to find a flag.
  • Right-clicks on the flag image and opt for "Add to Folder."
  • Create a new folder and assign it a name.
  • Include the flag image within this freshly created folder.

Repeat for Other Flags

  • Go back to Chat GPT and copy the second country name.
  • Paste this name into Canva's search box.
  • If a flag doesn't appear, append "flag" to the country name.
  • Right-click the flag image and select "Add to Folder."
  • Choose the folder you established earlier for adding the flag.

Repeat for All Countries

  • Continue this process for each country, ensuring their flags are added to the designated folder.

By following these steps, you'll systematically accumulate and categorize all country flags within a unified folder, streamlining their accessibility for your video.

Bulk Creation with Data

  • Go to the "Apps" section and search for "bulk creates."
  • Click on the result and select the first option to manually input data.
  • Clear the table using the trash icon.
  • Return to Chat GPT.

Copy and Paste Table

  • Copy the entire table from the first row to the last in Chat GPT.
  • Paste this table into the first box on Canva.

Add Photo Column

  • Click on "ADD image" at the top to introduce a column for photos.
  • Utilize the plus icon to search for images.
  • Select the folder you previously created.
  • Choose the appropriate flag image, such as Brazil, for the corresponding row.

Repeat for Other Flags

  • Repeat the process for each flag, ensuring correct flag-image pairing.


  • Once finished, click on "Done."

By following these steps, you'll utilize the bulk create feature to efficiently populate your data table with corresponding flag images, streamlining your video creation process.

Let’s move on to the next steps:

1. Connect Data for Elements

  • Right-click on the number "10" element.
  • Choose "Connect data" and select the corresponding data ("number").
  • Repeat this process for the "kangaroo" element, connecting it to "hint."
  • Do the same for "answer," connecting it to "country."
  • For the frame, connect data to the "image."

2. Generate Pages

  • Click "Continue" and proceed to generate the 25 pages, which will serve as scenes for your video.

3. Add Intro

  • Right-click on the timeline and select "Add page."
  • Drag the new page to the start.
  • Find an intro template in the design tab.
  • Customize the template by changing the background and adjusting text elements.
  • Delete unnecessary graphics and bars.

4. Customize Intro

  • Adjust text colors, fonts, and sizes to match your style.
  • Change the channel name to your preference.
  • Enlarge all elements for visual impact.
  • Duplicate the intro page and remove elements for a clean slate.

5. Create a Second Page

  • Duplicate the next page.
  • Drag the heading element to Page 2 and paste the question.
  • Adjust text size and placement as needed.
  • Replace the background with a clip that reflects the theme.
  • Modify text effects, such as changing from shadow to outline.
  • Add an animation, such as bounce, to the text.

6. Voiceovers Add Value

  • Note that while some channels use background music, those with more views and engagement often incorporate a voiceover.
  • These steps progress through enhancing your video, from connecting data to customizing elements, creating an engaging intro, and considering the value of voice-overs to maximize viewer engagement.

Now, let's proceed with the next steps:

1. Use Fliki for Voice-over

  • Utilize a free voiceover tool called Fliki
     for creating realistic voiceovers.
  • This tool offers a variety of voices, including the one used in this example.
  • Create a new audio-only file from the dashboard.

2. Craft Voice-over Script

  • Paste the provided paragraph into Fliki as the voiceover script.
  • Return to Chat GPT and request country names with the desired format.
  • Copy the first eight country names to your clipboard.

3. Fliki Voice over Setup

  • Go back to Fliki and paste the copied country names.
  • Click the plus icon to add the text to the project.
  • Select a speaker with the preferred voice style.

4. Generate Voice-overs

  • Fliki helps create AI-generated audio and video content within minutes.
  • Choose an excited voice style for the selected speaker.
  • Apply the voice to all sections with a checkbox.
  • Download the audio section by section.

5. Repeat for Remaining Names

  • Return to Chat GPT and copy the remaining country names.
  • Create a new Fliki file, paste the names, and select an excited tone.
  • Download these audio sections as well.

6. Organize Downloaded Audio

  • Keep the downloaded audio files in separate folders, numbered accordingly.

7. Upload Audio to Canva

  • Go to Canva and upload the intro audio and the 25 answer audios.
  • Start by uploading the intro audio to the beginning of the video.

8. Zooming In on the Timeline

  • Locate the Zoom icon at the bottom of the timeline.
  • Click on it to magnify the timeline view.
  • Drag the timeline bar to the right for improved visibility.

9. Naming and Intro Adjustment

  • Change the title of your video to "Quiz Zone."
  • Extend the end of the intro section to make it 3.7 seconds long.

10. Applying Transitions

  • Apply transitions before adding audio elements.
  • Click on the transition icon and opt for the "Color Wipe" effect.
  • Set the transition duration to 1 second.
  • Ensure this transition is used consistently across all pages.

11. Fine-Tuning Intro Animation Duration

  • Adjust the intro animation's duration to prevent any overlapping.
  • Make sure the timing aligns well with the intro audio.

12. Synchronizing Answer Audio

  • Right-click on a country name to display its timing information.
  • Match the starting point of answers with the corresponding audio clips.
  • Select the suitable Fliki audio for each answer.

13. Downloading the Video

  • Initiate the download process by clicking the "Share" button.
  • Note the option to download individual pages separately by checking the box.
  • Uncheck the box if you prefer a single video file.

How to Create Short Videos

Let's get started

1. Converting to Short Videos

  • Open the base template used for bulk creation.
  • Click on "Resize" in the upper left corner.
  • Scroll down to find "Mobile Videos" and select "Copy and Resize."
  • Drag and enlarge elements to fit the canvas for the mobile format.
  • Adjust positions, for example, the timer and country on the same line.

2. Creating Short Videos

  • Go to "Bulk Create" and choose the first option.
  • Clear the table and copy four country names from ChatGPT.
  • Paste the names and click on "ADD Image."
  • Add flags from the previously created folder.
  • Click "Done" to connect data automatically.
  • Manually connect any missing data, like the flag.
  • Click "Continue" and generate the four pages.

3. Optimizing for YouTube Shorts

  • For YouTube shorts, 4 to 5 pages are sufficient.
  • This automatically generates 3 short videos from the long one.

4. Adding a Short Video Introduction

  • Add a page at the start similar to the long video's question.
  • Find the long video in the Project Tab.
  • Click to add the second page with the background filled.
  • Enlarge the text if needed.

5. Editing Audio Intro

  • Go to the Upload Tab to add the audio intro.
  • Split the audio to keep only the question part.
  • Drag the audio to the start of the clip.
  • Adjust the page's end handle to match the audio.

6. Adding Transitions

  • The transition was imported with the page.
  • Click on it to add it between all the pages."

7. Adding Answer Audio to Short

  • Right-click on the second page to show the answer timing.
  • Add the audio answer to the start of the text.
  • Repeat this process for the other three pages to complete the short.

8. Creating Additional Shorts

  • Use the short template you modified earlier for the next two shorts.
  • Swap texts and flags at the bulk to create a window.
  • For the intro question, re-upload the first page from the first short.
  • Keep the same voiceover, background video, and text without deleting it.

9. Playing the First Few Seconds

  • Play the first few seconds of the short.

10. Scaling and Topics

  • To scale the content, adjust the timer to 10 seconds for shorter videos.
  • With a 10-second timer, a 3-minute video becomes 5 minutes.
  • You can include more countries, e.g., 25, for an 8-minute video.
  • This topic can turn into a series of videos, each being 8 minutes.
  • You can also create even more shorts with 5 countries each for a total of 40 shorts.
  • Ask ChatGPT for more country names and use the base template to regenerate scenes.
  • Repeat the process from adding flags to choosing them in the image column.

11. Repeating Steps for Shorts

  • Repeat the steps for voice-over on Fliki.
  • Copy the video intro from the previous long video.
  • Apply the same process to the short videos.


In conclusion, creating compelling and profitable YouTube content involves selecting relevant topics, utilizing tools like Canva and Fliki, and structuring videos with engaging intros, questions, and answers. Applying transitions, syncing audio and visuals, and optimizing for mobile viewing is crucial for both long and short videos. Scaling can be achieved by exploring trending series, repurposing content, and maintaining consistency. Monitoring trends using tools like VidIQ and adapting templates ensure your content remains relevant. By following these steps and staying adaptable, you can build a successful YouTube channel that resonates with your audience and generates income.

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